A study
by PwC (albeit a while ago) of nearly 20,000 employees who completed exit interviews
with PwC clients reveals the top 10 reasons why people quit their jobs. It’s
interesting to note that 5/10 of the reasons are directly manager related. These findings pretty
much stack-up with what we hear, although people are much less inclined to talk
negatively about the people they work with. Makes sense.
- Limited career/promotion opportunities - 16%
- Supervisor lacked respect/support - 13%
- Compensation - 12%
- Job duties boring/no challenge - 11%
- Supervisor lacked leadership skills - 9%
- Work hours - 6%
- Unavoidable reasons - 5%
- Supervisor poor employee relations - 4%
- Supervisor displayed favoritism - 4%
- Not recognized for my contribution - 4%